
Showing posts from July, 2016

Characters sketch

Day 3 - CHARACTERS                             CAPTAIN NUOI VILLAINAIRE


Day 20 - WAITING


Day 19 - RANDOM

I am a pencil's eraser

Rub things of if things / memories unbearable! Need to make more positive memory. Life no regret! Day 18 - I AM A PENCIL's ERASER

Like a fish in the ocean

I wish i can swim freely like a fish. Nah, nowadays fish end up in fish market... just like self-release feeling. Day 17 - LIKE A FISH IN THE OCEAN

Cartoon 102 - Mydearjohn

Media is really helpful. Now i learnt how to draw cartoon. Thanks to youtube and youtube sifu. It's not much of the professional cartoon drawing but i'm moving forward... Day 1 - Mydearjohn

Learn cartoon 101

Learnt from Youtube : Why people believe they can't draw - and how to prove they can by Graham Shaw (TEDxHull). Thank you so much Sir for showing me your simple technic to draw cartoon! Day 17 - LEARN CARTOON 101


Uneven and unsymmetrical graphic is my vision graphic. I, as an Aquarius will never follow the normal path people travel even though it's easy way to get attention from public. My art teacher used to tease my drawing "not nice enough" and therefore I throw all art supplies out window. After 15 years, I finally realized that artwork is for me & myself. Therefore, I create this graphic to appreciate the effort of a person that brought me to this world "Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world". Day 16 - POOR'S PEOPLE HAND

Two Face Person

We wear mask to every occassion. The only time we will lift up our mask are when we are alone. That's why we need to meditate and constantly asking ourselves to keep us sàne. Nothing wrong about it. Don't quick to judge others also. Just be careful choosing your own mask, that's near to your own personality / comfortable mask. Day 16 - TWO FACE PERSON


Being a human being is suffering. Your mind can wander to another world without leaving your body. Sometimes you tend to confused yourself and other time you are sane debate all the right & wrong. Today whether you are sane or crazily confused let it out (without hurting yourself & others). Chill up, its saturday night.  Day 15 - CONFUSED

A blind leading a blind

Day 14a - A BLIND LEADING A BLIND Nothing to said.....

Life in background

According to propogator, this life is your only chance to prove that you got talent in certain field and to obtain fame & wealth. Don't you tired? Every second you need to watch out your move and the way you are talking. Retreat to background doesn't shown that you are defeated. Its your way to rejuvenate and recover your state of mind be it failure or disappointment. Give yourself sufficient time to recover (every individual require different period). At the end of day, you need to accept and move on. Please don't run in circle / avoid problem. It would not help you at all. You need to make decision and move on. Day 14 - BACKGROUND


Time flies. We often use our time to exchange for money (work). Is it worth? Everyone have their own yardstick. I will let you be the judge... Day 13 - TIME 

Colour of life

I might beat myself for the reckless things that's i have done. But its made my life full of colours. Day 12 - COLOUR OF LIFE


Every human need a friend. My friendship with her started 17 years ago longer than my love relationship though, we have up and down but we preserve things together. Sometimes bitch of each others, other times motivate each other. Life is so fragile and she end up with depression which i can't help her in term of monetary. I pray each day so that she will come around and wake up! Life is so beautiful. Those experiences will made us wiser. God would not test you if you are quitter. Everyone out there, help each other even a simple smile will made s/he's day brighter. Day 11 - FRIENDSHIP P/s: Apologise, i'm not a good writer and communicator. My message is simple. Help each other eventhough s/he is a stranger. You will never know what comes.around, goes around (karma).